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The less said the better.
Trust me: this is very good advice. I have spent a lifetime forgetting it, and a lifetime regretting it.
I've always admired people who can hold their tongues. Sometimes, in a flash of their eyes, you can even see their minds spinning as they puzzle out the most appropriate responses to questions or ideas. They actually think before they speak, and when they do speak, they somehow know when to stop.
Me? I'm like a Santa Ana wind. I blow long, I blow hot, and I leave strewn palm fronds in my wake. Or, as my husband once told me, "You have no tact."
It's a horrible thing to have no tact. You can never really tell the difference between what's frank, what's better left unsaid, and what's simply too much information. Even when you can tell the difference, verbal gas escapes from your mouth wand you end up stinking up the room.
Did I just say verbal gas? See? I'm pretty sure that was better left unsaid.
I sometimes lose my tact, more or less.
BLT OR BTW (one of those), I ALWAYS thought it was Austen.
Tact can be SO over rated. Personally, I'm glad you are funny instead of tactful.
I agree with Olga. I get myself in spots because I say it like it is,no pussy footing around or beating the bush.
Oh well life would be dull without outspoken women.
Are you kidding me? Verbal gas is a gem. I'm going to quote you.
BLT, Cafe's very tactful in his out-pointing.
My husband has uttered those very words to me. I would have never taken you for gassy. So to speak.
This is a virtue I don't have: holding my tongue! Sometimes very rarely I do... for my own peace, but really seldom.
By the way I've read all Austen's novels. Amazing woman!!!
Thanks for the chuckle.
Worth it for 'verbal gas', let alone the rest of the chuckles! I try to be tactful but my intention is sometimes better than my execution. I have a natural handicap, though, being a Sagittarian. Apparently we spend much of our lives pulling our feet back out of our mouths. {If you ask me, that's a very tactless thing to say about us...}
Now really, what would this post have been without its verbal gas ;)
RIGHT ON!!! Thank you so much for writing about me...but how do you know me so well???? We've only barely met on this here internet!!! were writing about yourself...verbally gaseous of me!!!
Shell a fellow Sagitarian...I can totally relate to the taste of foot-in-mouth!!!
Sorry to prick your gas balloon, but you are funny and tactful -- an almost impossible combination.
Pup: Ah, man. I spelled her name wrong. Shame on me.
Olga: Maybe a little tact would be good though. I think my family thinks so.
Rois: At least we're not dull. You're right there.
Petrea: Yes, Pup does not have my problem. He handled that typo very well.
Linda: It's hard to believe you're tactless. It seems to un-poet like.
Daisy: I bet you read all of Austen in English, too? Didn't you? You are amazing. :)
Jean: My pleasure.
Shell: I didn't know that was a problem for Sagittarians. How about Pisces? I'm a Pisces. What's my excuse:
Chieftess: Right on! I guess this is something a lot of us relate to. Thanks for the visit.
Joanne: Ummm. Nonexistent?
AH: Ah, shucks. But I know I'm tactless. It's a cross I must bear.
Thank you! :-) you're too kind though... :-)
Of course I did! It wouldn't be the same in Italian! :-)
I m like you. I envy people who can hold their tongue!
Beautiful post @!!
Daisy: I knew it. That's a very impressive feat, but your English is fantastic.
Kanmuri: I really do envy them. It implies a sort of patience that I just don't possess.
UR: Thanks.
:-) thank you... this is such a precious compliment coming from someone like you. Such an amazing writer like you! Really. It makes me really proud and happy!
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