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When the god Sango was looking for a wife, he checked out all the Yoruban goddesses, but none compared to Oya, who controls wind, lightening, fire, earthquakes and hurricanes and who always looks fetching in a flouncy gray skirt that doubles as a tornado. With a wife like that, Sango knew that no one would try and furlough him, or expect him to bring snack to the entire soccer team, or make three separate dinners for three separate people every night of the week. No! With Oya on his side, Sango would totally rule. Why? Because Oya could fricking blow people away, that's why! You don't want to mess with Oya. You mess with Oya and you'll end up in Oz.
As for furballs: put your vacuum cleaner away! Oya will blow those suckers into the backyard of those totally mean neighbors you hate. (WARNING: Oya Super Tornado Power is not for use on actual cats.)
All of this is a long way of saying that the next time someone at works asks you to head up the Christmas toy drive or when that mom from the PTA asks you to spearhead the Science Fair, you just dial up a little Oya. Say, "Oh-yeah. I don't think so."
Channel this goddess: When people try and take advantage, when people ask too much, when the virus of volunteer-to-doism knocks you down like a case of swine flu, and, of course, when your cat leaves you one of those "special" presents.
Baffled Human: Go! Say No!
Need a goddess: Leave me a message in the comment section and I'll see what I can do.
Great goddess flirting with her "bitch" side. When I saw the thumbnail of the picture in my feed, tho, I thought it was a picture from and old video game!
"Oh yeah. I don't think so." Perfect, because I often say "Oh yeah" before realizing I must say no. Oya/Oh yeah could work for me as a reminder: Oh yeah means no if I'll just come out and say it.
I so needed this today!!! A bitchin' goddess. You need to put out a book because my Jean S. Bolen stuff seems really dated now.
I'm liking the 'tude going on with this goddess. Oh yeah!
Yay Margaret! Brilliant!
Note to ladies who can't say no:
Why blame others? What are you worried about? Who cares if someone doesn't like you?
(Forgive this outburst, I just know SO many women crippled by this "what if they don't like me" disease")
Olga's right. Book. Now, fast.
Kanmuri: I know. She looks very Super Mario Brothers, but it's the best I could find.
Petrea: I have to admit, I'm not always so good at the saying no part myself.
Olga: Glad you got what you needed.
Joanne: Thanks.
Desiree: I have to admit, I do care about the liking part. It worries me a great deal.
Here I was thinking my cat is very talented for having no furballs. Now I'm wondering if Oya is merely whisking them away invisibly during some rare introverted moments.
Does she make an appearance in the practice of Santeria? Underneath the skirts of another saint maybe? That kind of transmutation fascinates me.
I like your connection to Oz. First thing that came to mind for me with the tornado skirt. Very visual.
Oya vey. I have many problems, but this ain't one of them.
This is a powerful one! I like it!!! Blowing someone away in the office today would be something. A useful skill if you ask me! ;-)))
I like this one - saying "no" and letting go like Desiree says has been empowering for me lately.
OYA! My new goddess! Bet my boss won't like her one bit. OYA!
Thanks, Margaret, this is a kick. Oya must be my husband's sister.
Loved this!
And I also responded to the grey flannel skirt that looks like a tornado. It is a good lesson to be able to say No and have it be okay.
Furs Balls & Baffled humans kinda make sense to this Dog.
Hurricane Oya! I like it.
Female gods are a fiery lot, I'm thinking!
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