
Goddess of the Week: Isis

Osiris, Isis and Horus: pendant bearing the na...Image via WikipediaElizabeth needs a goddess to help unify her family because--this is so exciting--she and her husband are adopting a baby!  I think she needs the Egyptian mother goddess Isis.

Isis was all about the family unit.  She was married to her brother Osiris, a nature god who had big plans for Egypt.  Where other gods saw desert and a big river that flooded every year, Osiris saw the heart of civilization.  He got the whole empire thing rolling, but you can't build an empire alone, so he really relied on Isis.  They divided up the work.  Osiris taught folks to make wine; Isis taught them to grind grain.  Osiris taught them to make towns, temples, and laws; Isis taught them to practice medicine and get pre-nups.  It was a great partnership until the evil god Seth Killed Osiris.

Poor Isis traveled near and far only to find Osiris's dead body stuck in a tree.  Finally she got it back, but then Seth chopped Osiris into 13 pieces!  She found everything but his penis and brought him to life again.  Unfortunately, I guess because he had no penis, he had to go be Lord of the Underworld, but first they were able to conceive a son, Horus.

Parenting is difficult under the best of circumstances, but it is a real pain when you can only see your partner in hell, and then, only every other weekend because, you know, travel is expensive, even for gods.  Still, Isis and Osiris persevered, and Horus grew up to be an awesome god with the head of a falcon.

Understanding the importance of having shared interests, Isis worked hard to instill in Horus a deep and abiding desire to kill the evil god Seth.  Horus and Seth fought for seventy years!  Finally, they decided to settle things by seeing who could win a stone-boat race.  Sneaky Horus made his boat out of wood and painted it to resemble stone.  Seth abided by the rules and drowned when his boat sunk, which sort of makes you wonder why it took Horus seventy years to beat a god who thought he could sail in a stone boat.

Isis reminds us that unity in a family comes from sharing burdens and working together, and that starts way before any babies enter the picture, which is just another way of saying that while there are a million ways to make a family work, you can't float a rock.

Channel this goddess: when starting a family, when trying to unify a family, when working on a long-distance relationship, when buying a boat.

Need a goddess: I got goddesses!  Post a comment explain what you need or want a goddess for.  Then check back in a week or two and see what you got.  
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Bec said...

"when buying a boat" - love it. Today's my first day back at work and leaving the rest of the family to fend was a little disconcerting. Good timing on this one.

Mairie said...

The Egyptians certainly know how to write a good god story. Miracles abound. Good choice

Liz Reinhardt said...

Thank you!! We have a homestudy that is (hopefully) scheduled for this week! I will totally be channeling Isis! Thank you again!

Shell Sherree said...

That's wonderful news for Elizabeth and her husband! I have a girlfriend who's been waiting to adopt for far too long. Looks like you've chosen a very capable, patient and adaptable goddess, Margaret. {As always!}

Tony Van Helsing said...

I hope you aren't suggesting Elizabeth raise their adopted child to kill Seth?

Rois said...

Well I sure do hope Isis will lend me a hand.My mother in law who is a bit crazy,really she is,is coming to live near to us but will be staying (glup) with us until she finds a place.

Please Isis hear my prayers,my house is small,my mother in law has issues and we live totally oposite lifestyles.

Watson said...

Congratulations to Elizabeth, her husband and the new little one!

And thanks for the great story Margaret! :-) Does Rois need a different goddess to help find an apt for her m-in-l? Something not too close? and quickly.

TheChieftess said...

Hmmmm...I'm wondering the same as Patrizzi!!!

Love Isis...I hope she hovers about our home down south for my step daughter...she's going to have our new grand baby in Dec!!!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Oh wow, this is one of the coolest I've read yet! And adopting a baby...how wonderful!!! So, Margaret - have you got any goddesses for stress relief or general well-being???

Susan Campisi said...

I'm impressed with all the contributions Isis has made to civilization but nothing tops the pre-nup. Congrats to you and your family, Elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha. Laughing hard, and I'm stone cold sober.

Petrea Burchard said...

Good luck Elizabeth! And to you, Rois.

I loved this one, Margaret. Leave it to you to find the practical note in the fanciful story and show us the humor of the gods.

Margaret said...

Ms. Patrizzi: It is a bit disturbing. I think Isis was just incredibly fertile-like the Nile.

Bec: Best of luck back to work! I just started too. So far so good.

Elizabeth: I am so glad you approve. Good luck with the homestudy.

Tony: No. I was thinking more that Elizabeth and her family take up an interest in national monuments or soccer. Shared interests are good.

Rois: I'm sending you super good Isis vibes, and also Bendis (I did her a while back). She's the apartment hunting goddess.

Daisy: Per your suggestion, I'm sending Rois Bendis.

Lindsay: You bet! I'll add you to the queue.

Desiree said...


Pasadena Adjacent said...

Dear Horus is also the god of faux finishes. A skill that many an under appreciated artist has used to pay the rent.

Cafe Pasadena said...

You've written about Isis here before, haven't you?

Laurie Allee said...

Oh, I love this.

WritingNut said...

Sigh... I just love these posts :)