
Goddess of the Week: Venus

...Daisy...needs a "heartwarming" goddess, which I take to mean a goddess who'll provide comfort during hard times.

This was a tough one.  As I so often say, goddesses tend to be pretty kick ass.  It's not that they don't feel empathy.  Most have been through tough times, themselves; it's that they don't have time for wallowers.  And, personally, when I am needing comfort, I tend to be wallowing in self pity, and that just doesn't sell with goddesses.  Goddesses will help you, but they need to see the fight in you.

And if you've got some fight, a go-to goddess is Venus, the Roman goddess of Love.  She had this son, Aeneus.  Long story short, he was a Trojan who escaped the final days of the Trojan War and made his way to Italy, where his descendants founded the Roman Empire.  People tend to focus on Venus's romantic exploits, but she was a good mom to Aeneus.  She was really committed to him, and she helped him out whenever things got bad, and they did often.  His wife died; his other wife killed herself because he left her to found an empire and then both wives sort of haunted him.  It was a bad scene.  But Aeneus never gave up, which is one reason Venus worked so hard on his behalf.  In fact, when Aeneus died, Venus washed his body in the river of immortality, fed him ambrosia (not easy cuz he was dead), and convinced Jupiter to make Aeneus a god.  She loved her son, and she loved his empire.  She became known as Venus Genetrix, Venus the mother, and she looked down upon and cared for the Roman people in time of need.

But you don't need to be Roman to call on her.  You just need to have a little fight left, and...Daisy...of course you have fight left!  You are a daughter of Venus!  Of all people, she will definitely comfort and help you.

Channel this goddess: When you are tempted to wallow!  No wallowing allowed.  Stand up!  Put on your boxing gloves and get out there!  You can do it!  You can have it!   You can be it!  Now go!

Need a godddess?  I got goddesses!  Post a comment explaining what you need or want a goddess for.  Then check back in a few weeks to see what you got.  Easy Peasy!


Margaret said...

At first I wrote "No wallowing aloud," which is also true.

Tony Van Helsing said...

Not only did he suffer all that misfortune, his name also sounded like anus. Very unfortunate.

Desiree said...

Go Daisy! Go Venus! Go Margaret!
I think a few minutes of a pity party are allowed--like a time out--then back into the ring. Better to go out fighting.

Mairie said...

Good to see Venus with her grown up side.

Joanne said...

Doesn't Venus even have her own Frankie Avalon song? Seriously, how heartwarming is that!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

~sigh~ No wallowing allowed. Or aloud. I hear you, sister. Thanks for the reminder!

Shell Sherree said...

All the best, Daisy ~ a little spark of fight and Venus and Margaret will help you fan it into a warming, comforting fire.

Liz Reinhardt said...

Completely love Venus since our goddess unit in middle school! Thanks for another fantastic goddess!!

claire bangasser said...

Ah, I love everything about this post. Venus Genetrix, yes of course. Wasn't she one who on some occasions is pictured with many many breasts, possibly because she takes of so many people?

And yes, go Daisy!

Watson said...

I love this Margaret! I might change my name. I think one can be "kick ass" and comforting at the same time. In fact, when I'm in trouble it's the "kick ass" part that gives me comfort.

Thank you.

Margaret said...

Tony: That is a trial indeed.

Claire: I didn't know about the preponderance of breasts. Interesting. I'll have to investigate.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Now I'm going to have to do a little research and development to figure out who Romulous is.

Kick some ass Daisy!

Petrea Burchard said...

Goddess helps those who help themselves.

And just think of the bra!

Susan Campisi said...

Daisy, after a bit of rest and comfort to recharge, your strength will return and Venus will be right there with you for the fight. God{dess}speed!

I've been guilty of some wallowing this week, so I appreciate the Venus pep talk. Thank you, Margaret.

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Ooh, cool one!!!

Shanna said...

You show us such a more well-rounded Venus than we learned about in art history!

WritingNut said...

I loved this... no wallowing allowed! :)

Curly said...

You truly warmed my heart Margaret... and not only: you made my heart smile too! THANK YOU SO MUCH! :-)