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Remember Pandora? She's the Greek Eve. The gods made her and sent her down to earth to wreck havoc on men by releasing every bad and good thing into the world. She was given this box, and she was told, "Whatever you do, don't open this box!"
So she leaves it alone, goes shopping, blah, blah, blah. She comes home. There is the box. Now the box has a big bow on it and a big card that says: For Pandora. But Pandora remembers what she was told: "Don't open this box."
She goes out, comes back. Now there is a neon sign over the box. "The coolest thing EVER! INSIDE!" But still, she remembers. She leaves it alone. Later she comes back, now there is the sound of a mewing kitten inside. And the neon sign says, "ACT NOW! TWO FOR ONE."
It sounded like a mewing kitten for godsake! Of course she opened it, and of course she realized it wasn't a kitten. It was the beginning of every very good and bad thing in the world. Among the good things, there was Sophrosyne, the goddess of discretion, who said to Pandora, "This might not go well for you, darling, but at least that tunic makes you look very thin."
Sophrosyne reminds us to think before we speak, which is not a strength of mine, but that's all right. Your hair looks fabulous today!
Channel this goddess: When tact and discretion are called for, when you've stuck your foot in your mouth, when you must break unpleasant news or remind your beloved that combovers are so last century.
Need a goddess? I got goddesses! Post a comment explaining what you want a goddess for. Then check back in a week or two and see what you got! It's fun! It's free! I hate to break it to you, but you gotta get your goddess mojo going. So leave a comment!
Thank you Margaret ... I just had it "done" (the hair!) Sophrosyn is just perfect as a companion for me and Barbara, especially "herself", who really struggles to think first and speak later.
This post, well what can I say, it's the "cat's meow." Happy Monday :)
Attempt #2 with the new and improved Captcha ...
Daisy: Even my husband tells me I have no tact, so I understand Barbara's dilemma.
Joanne: Hate the new Captcha! Hate it!
Ha!! I love the way you tell this story.
Margaret, you are funny! This is a hoot.
Bellis, out with it. I can take it.
Everybody hates the new Captcha. It can't last long because the WHOLE WORLD is up in arms about it. Seriously.
Well dear Margaret, I am the essence of tact and decorum- Everybody agrees,
....but that Bellis.
I'm sure I've needed some help from Sophrosyne when I've least thought I needed it. There's no end to your helpfulness, Margaret. Thank you.
Is Captcha the @#%$## new way to prove I am not a robot? Because I hate that.
I may embroider 'Sophrosyn' on all my underwear...just as a reminder.
Sophrosyn, what a great name!
As for thinking and speaking, like many folks, I need to speak first to know what I think... Hmmm...
Oh my dear Margaret, you are so funny, I will endure the new captcha just to let you know.
this is definitely a goddess that I need to keep in the forefront of my life...I've gotten into more trouble speaking my mind...Thank goodness for TheChief...he knows how to reign me in!!! (when I give him the chance!)
I rather like the idea of sewing her name into my underwear...just might help!!!
Ok...that was a record...took me four tries to get through the "prove I'm not a robot"!!!
We should all write to blogger. Maybe if there were enough protest they'd go back to the old method. This is awful. I notice all the blogs I read are getting fewer comments, and mine sure is.
Ok. I've tried to turn Captcha off. Maybe that will make life easier.
I posted a complaint on Blogger. I wasn't the only one but it's not as big a complaint list as I was hoping. Some guy suggested using Disqus but then everyone has to sign up for something else. What a pain.
naltsur vryan. I think. Maybe it's waisif urjem. Wish me luck.
Petrea; So you still had to do the Capcha? Because I tried to turn it off. Is it still there?
It's still there.
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How do you post a complaint on Blogger???
I went to the Blogger Help forum and searched my question. Found one similar to mine and posted there. But I think it would be more effective if thousands of people just posted "the new Captcha is awful." Then they would have to deal with it.
Here. You can respond to my post in Blogger Help.
Thanks...and done!!!
(the new one didn't bother me all that much until it took me four tries!!!)
Ah yes...the ol' "two for one" gets my mother every time! LOL
Totally needed this bit this morning...nice reminder... ;o)
I've just seen this! Love the photo - my favorite. OK, I'll try to channel Sophrosyn. Definitely. I'd sew it onto my underwear too except I'd spell it wrong. From now on, before I say anything, I'll mutter Sophrosyne under my breath....that should/might stop the first thought that comes into my head from popping out.
Now to do battle with the captchas. Oh gosh, I thought the audio one would be easier but I can't understand what the first word is.
Margaret, you do know how to spin a goddess tale. I'm going to carry Sophrosyn in my back pocket and lend her out to a few people in my life.
Lovely post, thanks! I'm swamped with work, but checked into my Google Reader for your posts.
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