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Ruins of Roman temple, Aquae Sulis, modern Bath, England, UK (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The ancient Celts believed gods and goddesses lived in specific locations, and Sulis lived in the thermal waters and mineral springs of Bath, England. People would come from as far away as Rome to partake of Sulis's healing waters. So, Barbara, we need to Sulis you up, and all that really means is that we have to get you good and relaxed both before and after your surgery.
Here's what I'm thinking.
Before the surgery: hot bath, soft music, maybe a little aromatherapy--easy enough if you can get someone to bake you cookies, in your kitchen, while you are in the bath. But here is the important part, the cookie maker must leave your kitchen CLEANER than they found it. Otherwise, it's not even worth it. Now, after the bath, you bundle up in a fluffy robe and you watch Pride and Prejudice (the one starring my secret boyfriend Colin Firth). Watch all six hours. Also, eat cookies.
After the surgery: When the doctor gives you the go ahead, lie down on the couch and watch Pride and Prejudice (again, but this time pay special attention to Colin coming out of pond). Watch all six hours. Also, and here is where you are going to mix it up, eat cake. Also, maybe, rice pudding, but that one is up to you.
Channel Sulis: When needing healing energy, when you are not feeling yourself, when you just need to relax, when you need someone to clean your kitchen or feed you sugar.
Need a goddess? I got goddesses! Post a comment explaining what you need or want a goddess for. Then check back in a few weeks and see what you got. Actually, I got two in the queue, so it might take longer, but if you don't ask now you might forget, and you don't want to do that.
This sounds perfect Margaret...as long as the cookies are chocolate chip! Maybe a nice glass of Merlot to go with them?
But I could not come between you and Colin. I'll have to find my own "secret boyfriend". I'm sure Sulis can help with that too!
hugs from
Daisy's Barbara
I'm sure there's an article online somewhere about the therapeutic benefits of the smell of cookies baking. Sounds like a wonderful recipe for preparation and recovery, Margaret.
All the best to Barbara. Puppy licks are very healing, too.
Great prescription, both for relaxing and for healing.
Best to Barbara.
I am passing this one on to my sister who just had an hysterectomy.
This is too fun.
I have a confession to make. I have secretly wished to have some kind of medical reason to eat cookies and watch "Pride & Prejudice" in my fluffy robe after a hot bath while someone cleans my kitchen.
I know, nobody really wants to be sick or have surgery, I know, I know. But it is a damn fine excuse for certain indulgences. Sulis is perfect. The best to you, Barbara.
I'm going to follow this Sulis prescription for bronchitis. I feel better already.
Be well, Barbara. I hope Sulis helps transform your full surgery experience into a luxurious indulgence.
Now that I'm retired, I need a goddess who can help me plan some down time and then learn to enjoy it! It seems like I'm busier in retirement than I was when I was working, albeit without all that stress.
If Sulis provides healing air conditioners, sign me up.
Hope your up and about quickly Barbara
Maybe after the second go-round of Pride and Prejudice you can watch Downton Abbey . . . seasons 1 & 2 combined are only 16 episodes or something (sorry M - I love P&P and your boyfriend too but after 12 hours it's time to move on).
Maybe after the second go-round of Pride and Prejudice you can watch Downton Abbey . . . seasons 1 & 2 combined are only 16 episodes or something (sorry M - I love P&P and your boyfriend too but after 12 hours it's time to move on).
Sounds like an excellent "prescription"! Best wishes to Barbara with the surgery and her recovery!
Good luck, Barbara! I've already got my new hip (3 years ago) and am so happy with it. My friends came round with lots of smoked salmon, ham, and other savory goodies from Bristol Farms, which was perfect! I'd meant to get lots of reading done with all that down time, but just ended up pottering around the house.
I've been to Aquae Sulis in Bath, and felt the presence of the goddess there. It's still possible to swim in those healing waters, discovered and revered long before the Romans built the spa.
I need a goddess that will help me get a job! My house is now an empty nest. For some reason, I have a feeling there is no goddess for this.
Margaret, you just may put the doctors out of business. :) Best of luck to Barbara, with all her healing, and hopefully a bit of low-stress relaxing. (...and cookies. I like those!)
Darn!!! I should've asked for a goddess before my surgery!!! Your healing plan sounds perfect!!! My recovery has been spent mostly in front of the tv watching everything from current reruns (an oxy moron if ever there was one) to today's feature film "Mogambo"!!!
May Barbara's surgery be as successful as mine!!! And a fast recovery too!!!
Wish I'd known about this after I broke my toe and while my girlfriends were still here..cookies would have been good! I am though, using the 'healing waters' of the pool ;)
Alison xx
I love that film! Never gets old.
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