
I'm being honest, because I care.

I'm going to be honest with you: You've looked better. What's with the dark circles under the eyes and the dry skin? Ive seen coconut flake less.

You are working too hard! You are doing too much for too many people! And you and I both know that they don't even appreciate it!

Uh-uh. Don't say a word. Don't defend those ingrates.  I am taking control FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!

So, here is what you are doing this weekend:

1.  You are acknowledging your inner goddess, and she says, "Relax." She has booked you a suite at The Hotel Denial, and she would like you to know that whatever problems you are stressing over will be where you left them when you get back. They can take care of themselves this weekend.

2.  You are drinking this:

3. You are eating this?

4. You are going to rent this movie:

5. You are going to read this, but if you have read it or hate me you can read this.

6. You are not cleaning your bathtub/toilet/kitchen. You are not vacuuming. Ok. You can do your laundry, but only because it's hard to feel like a goddess when you don't have clean underwear.

7. You are calling that old friend, that one you keep meaning to call!  You know who I mean.

8. You are going to bed early and getting up late.

9.  You are reminding yourself that you only get one turn on this ride. It is up to you whether or not it's an E ticket.


Olga said...

Why, thank-you for this. I am adding a facial to the list (slough off that flaky skin) and a fabulous haircut from the fabulous Joseph.

Jean Spitzer said...

Great list.

And thanks for noticing.

Watson said...

I promise to observe this week-end schedule - except for the drink which I've sworn off until my swelling goes down and my meds are no longer needed. BUT, I promise to make up for it later!
Daisy's Barbara

Rois said...

How did you know that a trip to the salon is on my list? Along with some cocktails followed by sleeping in.And if that old friend of mine would answer her phone I'd have that conversation to tick of the list too.

May I introduce to you my favorite part of Sunday morning? Sunday Morning Coffee,a very special thing,easy to make too.Just add some booze to your morning coffee,the kids won't know,it wards off the cocktail headache from the night before and just makes the day ahead seem like a good thing.


Unknown said...

You made my day, Margaret!

Bec said...

Wow - you can be the boss of me anytime. I want to do everything on this list and I think I can pull most of it off except for the "sleep late" part. I'd have a better chance of getting my husband to watch a movie with me if it wasn't Love Actually (I *heart* it but he's not a fan).

Bec said...

I meant to say "and the sangria" . . . you know, new baby and all.

Petrea Burchard said...

Oh, Margaret.

I was going to ask you for a goddess but all I really needed was this.

Ms M said...

Sounds great! Yay for the weekend!

Pasadena Adjacent said...

I have looked better. Phenomena doesn't become me. An my mother's back

TheChieftess said...

May I substitute a great cabernet for the Sangria??? Nothing better than a great cabernet and chocolate!!!

Desiree said...

You talkin' to me? Thanks for revising my to do list--

Coppertop said...

Yes yes yes!!! I confess I cleaned my floors but I will forego the bathrooms.

Tony Van Helsing said...

I'm working nights this weekend and I'm not drinking bloody Sangria.

Petrea Burchard said...

Desiree, I'm convinced she wrote this one for me, but I'm glad to share.

Susan Campisi said...

I spent the weekend at the Joshua Tree Music Festival drinking watermelon-ginger lemonade spiked with vodka. I highly recommend this beverage to all you goddesses!

Next weekend I'm following your list to the letter, Margaret.

TheChieftess said...

Oh Susan!!! I think you've found the nectar of the gods!!!

Petrea Burchard said...

Joshua Tree! The desert! Watermelon-ginger lemonade spiked with vodka! Burning Man's got nothing on you, Susan. That sounds like heaven.

Susan Campisi said...

I sounded like I was bragging, didn't I? Joshua Tree is beautiful and those drinks were heavenly, but the festival was a bit too hippy dippy for my taste. I know, I know - what did I expect?!

Petrea Burchard said...

It didn't sound like bragging, just fun. I hope you got to relax a little.

Adele said...

Perfect advice! I've never seen Love Actually, actually. Will fix that first.