Here's how we play. I send you a book that I like and that I have signed. Then you read the book, sign your name under mine, and pass the book to another reader, who reads it, signs it, and passes it to another reader, and so on and so on.
The book I'm going to pass along is called Camelot & Vine. It's by Petrea Burchard, who writes the Pasadena Daily Photo blog and who sometimes comments on this blog.
I really liked Camelot & Vine, and not just because I know Petrea. It's a fun read! It's about this gal, Casey, who finds herself hurled back to the time of King Arthur. Due to her dramatic entrance, her modern day clothes and her knowledge of the future, she is mistaken for a wizard. To protect herself and increase her access King Arthur, who she feels increasingly drawn too, she tries to keep that pretense going, but the stakes keep getting higher and consequences for lying keep getting more dangerous. What will Casey do?
Find out by playing my game! Just say "I'm in!" in the comments section. On April 24 I will draw a name out of a hat and mail the book to the winner.
Free! Free! Free! Fun! Fun! Fun! Let the game begin!
I am in!
I would say "I'm in", however I already have the book!
Great game!
I'm in!
Sounds like a fun read, and I could use a fun read :-)
I would say "I'm in", but I also read C&V. That said, it's a good read, suspenseful, exciting! It's one I will read again.
Nice review of C&V, Margaret.
Oh, shoot! I so want to be in, but have read it, too. But whoever gets it next is going to love it.
Great idea, Margaret! {I already have it Camelot & Vine.} You've written a fine review of a fine book and I'm not at all biased, at all.
I've got mine
Sounds like a fun game you've created, MF. And I heard pass the buck when I read pass the book.
First, I need to finish Finnegan's, Goddess Lounge. Definitely a divine read I wholebrainedly recommend! Have you heard of it? Then, I met up with another recent author in the crosswalk today in Pasadena. He gave me credit for getting it in the bookstore. (I like to think he was 1/2-serious) I meet people, then before long they become authors. ;)
I'd be in, too, if I weren't already reading C&V. I'm stretching out the last few chapters as I don't want it to end. It's such a fun adventure. Excellent review, Margaret.
I'm in!
Oh. Wait.
Wow. Thank you, Margaret. Okay, I'll direct more people to your blog to get the competition going. Though it's going to be tough to beat the Ugly Shoes Contest.
I love your description of my book. May I use it?
Love the idea - fun! I'm in . . .
Petrea: Of course!
I'm in 2
I'm in!
Alison xx
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