
I Smell Bacon

The pig's beginning to sizzle.  Check out our first entry.  Now don't be discouraged.  She is a design professional, but you're clever too.  Way to go Vanda at Toadberry.  


Cafe Pasadena said...

I know Disney work when I think I see it!!

Petrea Burchard said...

I want to know if it's Vanda's pork or Carl's pork. If it's Carl's pork, does it qualify?

pasadenapio said...

That's remarkable!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how Patronizing! Vanda's a professional, but you kiddies just go in the corner with your crayons and draw a nice piece of bacon. What a beautiful scribble, Karin.

Petrea Burchard said...

I'm not patronizing. Vanda went and copied this off somebody else's website. She admitted it! Anyone could do that.

I ask again, if it's Carl's pork, does it qualify? If so, I'll surf the web for pork, rather than searching Pasadena for the pork shot du jour.

Fess up, Margaret!

Margaret said...

Ok. Now some of you (Petrea) are a little more competitive and particular than I would have thought. I think Vanda showed initiative in finding her remarkable photo, and I say it counts. Now, will it win? Hmmm...since I haven't seen any other bacon-related posts yet I'd say it has a good chance. But...it is early and I am going to scour all your websites right now!

Anonymous said...

No P, J'accuse Margaret of patronizing. I accuse you of super-competitiveness.

Margaret said...

It's true. I was the patronizing one. I apologize.

Petrea Burchard said...


Vanda said...

I consider myself a treasure hunter! Someone who hunts down this rare and priceless pork of art and shares it with the masses. I'm the Indiana Jones of the internet!

Y'all are just jealous because you don't have my mad skillz with the digital whip.

Margaret said...

I think I'm going to have to side with Vanda on this one. She even has the Indiana Jones hat. I've seen it.

Petrea Burchard said...

I have a porkpie hat.

Anonymous said...

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