Now the fact is, every goddess has something to teach you, but perhaps not every goddess would be a good mentor. Mentors need patience and enthusiasm and the ability to maintain a sustained interest in someone who is human, and thus inherently imperfect. This is a lot to ask of a goddess, but Saraswati is up to the task. Her entire existence revolves around opening minds and helping people find their own true path. That being said, she is not one to coddle. Good mentors know that nothing good can come of that. She does not give you enlightenment. She does not give you genius. You must work for it. It takes study and hard, time-consuming effort. But she is not one of those hard-ass teachers either, the ones who yell and scream and fill young minds with fear and judgment. No. She waits for you. She grants you the knowledge you need when you are ready for it, which is no small gift. Indeed, we should all be so lucky to learn what we need to learn when we need to learn it.
Had I channeled a mentor like Saraswati in my youth, I hope I would have learned the value of perseverance and the importance of keeping an open mind, especially about my own future.
You should channel Saraswati: when you need a mentor, when you become a mentor, and when your creative well has run dry. After all, all of us need the help of a goddess from time to time.
I especially like the sense of timing when it comes to life's lessons.
"...she is not one to cod-dle." Isn't that so valuable - knowing the difference between feeding a fish and teaching to fish. An entertaining and informative read, Margaret, as always!
Always love these chapters, but can you pass my name on to the goddess who gives stuff without all the work? (I know it's not one of the Norsk. Maybe a cheerful Greek?)
AH: It's my sense that gods and goddesses don't give anything for free. But I'm thinking about it and will report back.
I'm looking for the goddess who deals with the thin skinned. You know, the one that teaches you the skills to help you bounce back quickly from rejection and disappointment. Stops you from a a downward slide into bitterness and hagsville.
Perseverance I've got to the point of stupid.
Yes Margaret, now you're getting requests.
I like this one, but where was she when I needed her? Oh. Wait.
You're taking requests? I'd like the one who grants me free time, 24/7, to work on the projects of my
I love your blog, Margaret. You've got a good theme going.
I shall oblige and find you all the goddess you need. Just wait.
I've been a mentor before but found that didn't have a lot of patience for the kids who needed the most help. Kudos to those who do (have patience, that is)!
You are welcome to find a goddess for me, but I was kidding.
Is there really a goddess who can do that? I might be a theist after all. Deist? I'll wait patiently for her, then I'll be a Sheist. She-ite?
Petrea: There is a goddess for everything.
Just curious: Who's the God of Womentoring?
I first read about Saraswati when reading Rumer Godden's "The River" and it's nice to be reminded.
g: I don't know that book. I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for the tip.
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