
Be Careful What You Ask For

Ok.  So we Netflixed this movie about neuroscience and quantum physics and the nature of reality.  It's a combination of documentary and narrative, and it's all very new-agey (which I like) and science-jargony (which is way over my head and pretty weird).  Bottom line: the universe is more complicated than we can imagine, reality is more complicated than we think, and we should all love ourselves.  I think. 

There's this one scientist guy who says that everyday he asks the universe to surprise him.  So today I woke and I said, "Ok, universe, surprise me."  

I'm walking my kids to school, and, of course, we have the dog with us.  This guy comes riding on a bicycle and he has this big German Shepherd.  His dog lunges at my dog, and the man comes down on his bike.  I say, "Are you ok?"  The guy doesn't even look at me.  He grabs the dog's head and starts pounding on its nose.  "No, no," I say.  "It's ok.  You don't need to do that."  The man gets up and goes away.  

I minute later a homeless man turns the corner in front of us.  He has everything he owns tethered to this shopping cart and he is pulling two big dogs.  He reaches the crossing guard, Sam, who pulls out a handful of dog treats and gives them to the dogs.  We reach Sam, who gives our dog a treat, and then the homeless man's dogs start lunging at my dog.  The man yells, "Stop it!  Stop!" He voice is cold and angry, and my dog is nowhere near his.   

And I felt: surprised by the universe.  And sad.  


Lynne said...

My dear, you had quite a walk! I believe you have to ask the universe for exactly what you want. (If you wanted a good surprise you need to make sure you are asking/looking for just that.) That's why when you're in a good mood all the good things keep happenening. And when you're having a bad day you keep seeing more bad.

Here's my plan, I think we should both try it. We will both try to spread some good surprises into the world over the next week. Then, next week let's both look for good surprises and see if we find more.

I'm going to look for that movie, it sounds interesting.

Margaret said...

Well, I will have to ask much more specifically next time. I like your plan. I will try to spread good surprises and I will see if I find good surprises.

Susan C said...

First of all, it's so lovely that you can walk your girls and the dog to school in the morning. And that you know the crossing guard by name. And that you live in a community where walkers and bikers and dogs (and bikers with dogs) are a common sight.

So, it spite of the bad and sad surprises of the morning, you are surrounded by wonderfulness.

Cafe Observer said...

MF, judging by other doggy reactions, apparently your dog had another life which he/she failed to inform you about!

But, thank God there are some great people in this universe: e.g., You & the children you're bringing up.

Today was a tiring day for me. But meeting you for lunch, MF, was more than I could ask for. Your brief review: was that the MidEast bowl you had & how good was it? (Skip the Veggie BLT & Gazpacho, imho)

Anonymous said...

I've cued the movie.
Would it hurt the universes feelings if you specified the kind of surprise you'd like to see?

I think you might be suffering through a case of bad dog karma. It's scientific and it comes and goes. I went through a period of being attacked. Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. You should see me take on "fierce"

What a strange morning you had. I'm hoping when you went to pick up your daughter later in the day your path was lined with tea cup poodles and siamese cats

Cafe Observer said...

pA, I hear Rottweilers & pitbulls are amongst the fiercest art critics. Don't take it personally.

Surprise, surprise, just seen on Colorado Bl: a Subway worker is running-not jogging-down the street about 50 meters. In his hand something dark & hard. His target a group of guys ahead. They meet & face each other. Subway guy raises his hand with the dark/hard sumthing. With his other hand he shakes hands with his target & they smile.
My guess is a good deed just appeared.

And I felt: Homo Sapiens
never cease to surprise me - Twitter or not.

Anonymous said...

Last week there was a woman, a shopping cart, and a lovely black lab mix walking down Colorado Blvd. I pulled over and grabbed a new bag of dog food from the back seat.

Before I reached her, I thought, what if this is a threatening gesture? Or...

She couldn't have been nicer, and the dog was very sweet.

Vanda said...

That movie sounds trippy. I have for some time now suspected that at its highest end science just warps into mysticism. Which is fine with me.

May you have better surprises tomorrow.

Montag said...

That is an interesting walk.
But, when you think of it, what would a good walk be when you are talking of dogs interacting?

I mean, I guess just amiable tolerance would be the best we could hope for when dogs pass each other.
Oh well.

Jean Spitzer said...

The universe just keeps up the surprises, not matter what. And, fortunately, sometimes, there's delight. (I guess I fall into the good luck, bad luck block.) Hope today is better.

Shell Sherree said...

The teacup poodles and siamese cats sound like a big improvement.

Anonymous said...

Did you say it this morning?

Unseen India Tours said...

This is Interesting !! I will read it once again...I am sure about that.:)

Margaret said...

Susan: I am surrounded by wonderfulness, which is why it is important that I realize that all is not wonderfulness.

Pup: Yes, nice running into you yesterday. My mid-east bowl was good, but too much dressing.

PA: It may have been a case of bad dog karma, which is not uncommon. It was the responses of the owners that was unsettling. No tea cup poodles or siamese cats at pick up, but not instant bickering so that's good.

AH: You are spreading good karma, so I hope the universe throws some your way.

Vanda: Thanks for the good wishes, and congratulations on being a blog of note! Hear that everybody: Vanda is a blog of note.

Montag: You couldn't be more right. Thanks for the visit. I hope you'll come back.

Jean: I guess it's us too, right? It's how we interpret those surprises that counts.

Margaret said...

Shell: I think you're right.

AH: I did ask again today. I'll tell you what I discover.

UR: Thanks for the visit. I hope you'll visit again.

Mortimer S Mortimer said...

I too often contemplate situations like this. I'm in a good place, happy and gentle with the world and then pop! Something like the angry response the homeless man. I've decided it's to teach me to be happy despite what's outside of me...ie..it's not about me.

Margaret said...

Mortimer: I think you are absolutely right. Well said. Thanks for the visit.

Shell Sherree said...

"Where do you want to get to?" asked the Cheshire Cat.

"I don't know," admitted Alice.

"Then," advised the cat, "any road will take you there."

{I was just reminded of this when reading something else, and thought of your adventure!}

bandit said...

most people don't know how, or are too lazy and inconsistent to learn to control their dogs. It takes constant dedication, love, and patience. Don't feel too bad; just assume other's dogs don't know the score and be prepared for it.
This could be a learning experience for the kids, maybe get them positively involved in training their pets, and learn about responsibility.

Laurie Allee said...

Why is it that random events so often involve negative weird stuff instead of things like, oh, fairy godmothers granting you the ability to fly or something?

I hope today is much better!!!

Linda Dove said...

I own the DVD of the first film in the series and really like it. Will have to check this one out.

Sorry about the weird encounters. I always wonder what the message is there that I'm supposed to take away....

Petrea Burchard said...

I haven't read anyone's blog all week because of all the surprises. May you have better ones. I'll ask for better ones, too. Bless the pooches, they're just being dogs.

Shawna said...

:( Not quite the surprises you wanted!

It was more like "universe, disappoint me." Hopefully both of the men were just having bad days and don't usually treat the puppies like that.

Anyway, thank you for the kind words you left me about the failed going away party. That was rough, but I'm doing better now. Still haven't made any effort to talk to the people who didn't show, though. I don't feel like it is my responsibility, or even in my best interests to invest time in people who care so little... We'll see if my opinion changes with time?

Shawna's Study Abroad

Lynne said...

I found it interesting to see people's different perspectives on your story. (I loved what Miss Havisham's Tea Party had to say.) What I got out of the story is what a compassionate person you are, which makes it so much harder to see cruelty. Without the sad stuff you would never get to experience and show the world how compassionate you are! But, it makes my heart ache for the dogs.

PJ said...

After reading your story and then everyone's responses I'm struck by Sam the crossing guard and his ready dog treats. He seemed prepared for everyone's surprises, a kind of calm in the center of the storm. Who knows what street people see when they say us? I guess sometimes we have to know the terrain to navigate it, then it all fits together.

I hope your walk later in the day was a happier one. You're a good mom, teaching your children more by your peaceable actions than any words could convey.