Georgie has given me this award, which was awfully nice of her and for which I say thanks. She has a pretty sweet blog herself. I'm supposed to say seven things you don't know about me and nominate seven other blogs. I'm going to wimp out on choosing the other blogs. I love all the blogs I read and I nominate them all. As for the seven things...well, will it shock you to know:
1. I am unnaturally good at hula hooping and unnaturally bad at every other sport in the entire world (and, yes, I think I'm stretching to consider hula hooping a sport).
2. My greatest regret is that I gave away my entire collection of original (circa 1970s) Star Wars action figures only to find out latter that the jawa alone was worth $200.
3. I also had an original Star Wars movie poster. I have no idea what happened to it, and I don't even like to think about it. It's too upsetting.
4. I also had a model R2D2 that I made.
5. And a model Ty Fighter.
6. Yes. I know that not many girls were this obsessed with Star Wars. Yes, I do think I was strange.
7. Until very recently, the Darth Vader theme song was the ringtone on my cell phone. I finally changed it because, once, I was walking down the street when my phone rang. This homeless guy was sitting nearby, and as I was frantically searching through my purse for my phone, he looked up at me and said, "Is that the Darth Vader song?" He looked at me like I was so pathetically nerdy that I was shamed into switching into this sort of zen garden ring tone;it sort of reminds me of Yoda.
Every single thing you listed was related to Star Wars! It is funny you saved all of the Star Wars stuff until you were an adult and then you gave it away. I remember you had a record of the movie, not the sound track, but one with all of the dialogue (no DVDs or videos back then). You listened to it until even I had the dialogue memorized!
Yeah. I did have that. THanks. I think.
I love Star Wars! Yoda is my favourite! Must get the entire collection on dvd someday.
Daisy's Barbara, Daisy is somewhat like Yoda, don't you think? But Jessie had the ears!
PS. Hula Hooping????? :-)
I lived for Star Wars as a kid.We were living in a motel while our house was being rebuilt when it came out.I watched the movie every Saturday for weeks,it was my escape from living in one room with my mother,brother and the schools iguana.(We were pet sitting for that summer. I really should blog about that iguana,crazy days those were.)
I read on your website your essay about your growing up and I also read someplace you like to bake chocolate cake.Your childhood and mine remind me of each other.And I love baking chocolate cake too.Funny how you can find a kindred spirit on the internet.
Well, I was an adult and I also loved Star Wars -- Yoda was my favorite too -- he's a Buddhist! I often wondered if Yoda originated from Yoga? My favorite film was The Empire Strikes Back.
I find that I'm vulnerable to the opinions of the homeless. A transient who lived in the alley near my office once teased me about my station wagon. Not long after that, I started driving a Prius.
Well keep your ears tuned to your local radio station! I just this afternoon heard a commercial for a Star Wars Concert coming to a nearby theater. Maybe it's a national tour?
You deserve all de awards or rewards that come your way, Mrs Beginagain! Including one from me, the most prestigious of all the blogging awards: The Dog Bone!
(The only reason I haven't pawed it out to you yet is bcuz someone keeps eating them all up.)
Congratulations for your many years of service to the popularity & fame of Star Wars.
Ok, well you and I have #1 in common. I can still win any hula-hoop contest there is. :o) I'm surprised about the Star Wars...um...obsession? Fun post!
Daisy: Daisy is definitely a little Yodaish. Very zen. Yes. Hula hooping. It merely emphasizes my otherwise total lack of coordination.
Rois: Indeed. Well, our childhoods bred resilience, didn't they?
Debbie: My favorite is the original movie. That Luke Skywalker was so dreamy then.
Susan: That is very funny, but I do like that Prius.
Joanne: I think they had that here. I bet it was great.
Pup: I accept the dog bone with honor.
PaperTurtle: I really don't know what to make of it. Otherwise, I'm fairly well balanced, although I am also kind of obsessed with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.
Margaret, if I didn't know these things about you I must have sensed them. They all seem so...right.
I had the poster, too. And an R2D2 necklace. It had moveable legs. And the vinyl soundtrack, which I gave away about 10 years ago. Sniff.
Well, when I was a young pre-teen girl in Dublin, and my peers were discussing pop music and boys as if these were the only items of interest I was haunting the libraries looking for books about gods and goddesses of the ancient world. It's true!
Margaret, you asked about Hallowe'en in India. Celebrated only by Christians, ironically, and that too as the Christian feast "All Soul's Day". Last year, I went for the first time in fifteen years to the Christian cemetary with the family of a neighbour who had died recently. My Anglo-Indian friends placed flowers and lighted candles on the grave of their mother and said a prayer for her soul. I was amazed to note that the Christians of Hindu origin placed lighted oil lamps and marigolds on their graves. And sat there all day. I never visited the graves of relatives on All Soul's Day for deceased relatives, good Irish Catholic that I am.
The black cat, pumpkin and witches type celebrations are beginning to catch on with urban youth who are under western influence. I have to host a Halloween get together for my teenage daughter and her pals. They expect something really authentic from me, in view of my origins.
The origins of Halloween originate in the pre-Christian era of Europe and the Church, having spread rather rapidly, simply incorporated that pre-Christian festival into the Church calendar as the day to pray for the souls of the dead. India does not have a druidic past like Europe. Strangely enough, just after Diwali, the Kali Puja was quietly celebrated by the Bengali community. And this particular time is supposed to be auspicious for Tantric (magic) practises as per the local religious customs, for those who are interested.
Some of my friends who attend non-mainstream churches even recommend to stay home and avoid going out these days after dark. This is because they reckon that there is a lot of negative energy about! Who knows?
Halloween is basically Celtic or Gaelic in origin, it is a druidic festival which is still celebrated by some who feel more affiliation with what they call 'the old religion'. As far as I am aware, people thought that the spirits of the dead moved around among the living on that night. The bonfires lit at that time are to scare the spirits away. It is supposed to be auspicious to practise witchcraft at that time. But you probably know all this.
Fascinating is that which liking you do.
{Congrats, Margaret!!}
Petrea: Hmmm. I thought I'd managed to repress my more nerdy impulses of late. Is it the glasses? It's the glasses, isn't it?
Linda: Oh! I had that necklace too. I'd forgotten. I also had a Darth Vader helmet necklace.
Gaelikaa: You spent your youth much more productively. Thanks for the Halloween info. I did know about the Celtic origins, but I'm glad to have that backed up by a real Celt! The part about India and Halloween is fascinating. Thanks for letting me know.
Thanks, Shell.
No, Margaret, it's the kinship I felt with you. (Help me, Obi wan kenobi. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi wan kenobi. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi wan kenobi. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi wan kenobi. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi wan kenobi...)
I've been reading your blog long enough to know you have a connection to Star Wars. When I waited tables at Forest Lawn adjacent, Tiny Naylors I had a drunkin guy at the bar tell me I had ugly legs. Bad enough, worse yet was that he didn't have legs.
It's all relative
:-DDD We have point 1 in common! :-D
So funny. My daughter is dressing up as a Padawan Learner for Halloween :)
Can I still be your friend if I confess that I, um, don't like Star Wars? (ducking...)
AAAAHHHH! Star Wars lover! You're my hero. I'm SO glad there's someone else like me who turned out awesome. Lol. :D
Note to self: Arrange hula hoop recital.
Lure M. Finnegan from home under the pretext of urgent Rose City Sisters business.
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