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This was another tough one. The obvious choice would be the Hindu goddess Saraswati, who is your go-to goddess for career success. But success is not the same thing as happiness. There are plenty of successful professionals who are miserable, so I think we need to go another route. I think we need to go with Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunt.
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus, and when she was born she asked her father to grant her fifty hounds, a band of young maidens to do her bidding, and to never to be forced to marry. Granted these things, she spent her days hunting stags and swimming in ponds. It was a great life and she loved her work.
But why did she love her work? Was it because she had a cavalry of secretaries doing all her annoying errands? Was it because she had no man to hold her down? Or was it the fifty dogs? After all, don't dogs make everything better?
The fact is, these things were just manifestations of Artemis's happiness. Artemis was happy because, from the get-go, she was entirely true to herself. She never let anyone else define her. She was the kick-ass girl who liked venison. You had a problem with that, then you stayed out of her forest. She wouldn't change for Zeus. She wouldn't change for that guy who saw her naked so she turned him into a deer and got eaten by his dogs. And she definitely wouldn't change for THE MAN.
So, Baffled Human, don't you dare let THE MAN change you. You go to work. You earn your pay, but be like Artemis. Stay true to your self, and when THE MAN tears you down, just remember that fifty hounds make a lot of shit and even goddesses need to watch their step sometimes. No shame in watching your step. Let THE MAN take your FICA, but don't you ever let him take your humor, your grace, your charm, or your moxie. Wave your hope like a flag. Shine your happy like a shield.
Need a goddess? I got goddesses. Post a comment telling me what you need and I'll see what I can do.
"No shame in watching your step." I love that line.
I hope that YOU are writing a great proposal for the book you're writing on the Goddesses of the Week! But I notice you'd have to make one modification to this chapter. I think you typed a misprint. It should read ... "Don't cats make everything better?"
Artemis! One of my most favorite ladies.
Sounds likely that this particular baffled human is a male.
Coming here is like visiting an apothecary. Or an herbalist.
Yes, dogs and cats DO make everything better. Somehow, your Goddess of the Week always gives me a valuable lesson, even if I don't have something obviously going on in that specific area at the time. Thank you, Margaret!
You're like the little engine that could. I like it when you take on THE MAN with all that bravado. A tuff talking tootsie
(apologies for the lowly literary reference)
Brilliant! :-)
Hope, hope, hope.
I needed that.
We're all baffled humans sometimes. The day job world can be so heavy on our shoulders. But we can't let it be heavy on our Selves. Thanks, Margaret.
Great Goddess attitude for every woman, no matter her circumstances!
whoo hoo! What a ride!
"...just remember that fifty hounds make a lot of shit and even goddesses need to watch their step sometimes..."
Seriously, Margaret? This is classic. I'm SOOOOO glad we are blog friends and I have the pleasure of enjoying your writing style through your blog posts. I wonder if my blog readers would appreciate this as my Friday quote feature... hahaha. Love it.
Deb: Right back at you. And I would be honored if you chose to use that as your quote.
That was absolutely great!!!
Here is another rhyme from my previous mate:
"I am Artemis,
Goddess of the Hunt.
No man will ever penetrate...
The Man, by the way, expected me to change like a chameleon every time he had a new interest.
I sent him tromping through the sh#t and am sooo much better off.
You are so right. Don't compromise who you are.
Of course she was happy. No one would ever mess with her ... she was constantly protected by dogs and was an excellent hunter. Who would get in her way?
Loved this, esp. the part where you said don't let him take your humor, your charm, your grace or your moxie! - By the way- - you ever taste Moxie? It's a real thing up in Maine!! LOL! (not good stuff!) Thanks for this!
Wow Margaret - that is some good medicine. Not sure if it's due to my request, but this could be my favorite ever Goddess post. I so need this. Thank you
(Hi Cafe Pasadena - I'm not a guy :>)
I'm catching up on your posts. They are like mental Lay's potato chips—I can't stop at one.
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