Image via Wikipedia
Hecate is a funky goddess because no one really knows where she's from. She could be from modern day Turkey. She could be from Thrace. All we know for sure is that she eventually wound up in Greece, she keeps lots of dogs, and she'll meet you at the crossroads. In fact, Greeks used to leave sacrifices for her -- usually meat, for the dogs -- whenever they came to a place where three roads met. So, basically, Hecate served as sort of your ancient day GPS. When you didn't know which way to turn, you gave her a bunch of meat and she pointed you in the right direction. She helped you choose -- and that's why she's the perfect goddess for when you're moving.
Moving means choices. What do you box up? What do you send to the Salvation Army? Where do you go? How do you get there? Where you stay when you've gotten there? So many decisions, so many things to think about and prepare for, but, at a certain point, you've got to make a leap faith. You've got to take Hecate's hand and believe that that paisley jumpsuit is never coming back in fashion and that that new town/job/home is the path to the next stage of your life.
Hecate reminds us that life is about choices. Do the right thing: pack the meat; pack the dogs, and when you get to the crossroads, just keep going. Don't look back.
Channel Hecate: When moving, when tossing your pack-rat tendencies to the wind and throwing things out, or when making particularly difficult decisions.
Need a goddess: I got goddesses! Post a comment telling me what you need or want. I'll see what I can do.
A goddess who helps with choices & decisions is very helpful with so many humans to watch over.
And,obviously this dog appreciates this goddess for her loving care of a brunch of dogs & their most basic needs, feeding them, etc.
This gives me a similar idea. This K9 could see himself as a dog who keeps a lot of goddesses. I wood meat their every other need. For example, I could pack the meat for them. That alone should leave them very happy.
I'm going to call her for advice on choices! ;-) Do you have her number by chance?
It's been about 10 years since my last move, and I can't imagine packing it all up and changing homes again. What an immense job, I hope Hecate and any other goddesses help Barb along!
Are you sure about the pantsuit? It's only $29.
Thank you Margaret! Hegate is perfect! All the way down to the meat for the dogs! My two would love her! She is exactly who I need to help pack us up! Only 49 days to go!!! I am constantly eyeing boxes everywhere I go!! At the same time we are trying to get in all the field trips we wanted to do. least a few! -- Send Hegate over here SOON! LOL!
I'll help pack the meat! I will! I will! :-9
Happy moving day to Barb. May everything go smoothly.
My human is going to get Hecate to help her clean up our house a bit. She has a hard time getting "in the mood" for cleaning.
I've always seen her as the underworld of Greek mythology, but somewhat apart from Hades. I've seen her described as the queen of witches. The Greek Kali, maybe?
You've just never seen this pantsuit with a string of pearls.
Gad, I need her in my office every day!
I only know her as the witch from Macbeth:
"And, you all know, security
Is mortals' chiefest enemy."
Not bad wisdom, I guess. ;-)
I'm sending my sister the link to this one, Margaret, to help her let go of any lingering paisley jumpsuits while she finishes her packing.
Good luck Barb. Sometimes when you hand the job of "toss out" to a friend it helps
The cross roads have taken a decidedly different meaning since the Christians came to town. According to the Greek Orthodox church, if you commit suicide they won't allow you to be buried in consecrated ground. Instead they place you at the crossroads.
I think some Christians got smarter over time P.A. Maybe Hecate sic'd the dogs on them! ;-) Nothing like a nip in the posterior to help someone change direction.
We'll have Hecate over when we clean the garage. That ought to help. I was planning on salad for lunch but maybe we'll do burgers.
I'll file this away for fall when we finally (hopefully) get to move into our new house.
Barb: glad you approve.
Gaelikeaa and Linda: Hecate was fun to investigate because she does have this other, darker side that a lot of people are more familiar with, and, like Linda notes, she is more often known as a witch than a goddess. But you're right too, Gaelikaa, she does have an association with the underworld. She has been described sort of like a female Hermes. She can let souls into the underworld. At some point, people also began to say she could let souls out of the underworld. Some people think that's how she got her darker, more dangerous image.
Stacey and AH: I'll let you guys fight over the pantsuit.
PA: I didn't know that about the Greek Orthodox church. It seems to fit back into the mythology though. Sort of? Yes?
We (Jim and I) are confronting the STUFF in the garage, that is, the stuffed garage.
Some treasures surface.
Some go right to the dump.
Some go to the Prop Room as future subjects for drawings or paintings.
Rough going here and we need her.
Yes, now that we know Hecate has a link to the dark side it starts to make sense
The Greek Orthodox church has an interesting interpretation of the souls journey after death
I see I already commented... anyway she's also known to be the Goddess of Witches and Protection. Though she's top with choices I need her for protection right now... :-)for my loved ones...
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