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Despite being the goddess of peaceful harmony, poor Harmonia knew all about living with chaos. She was the daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Ares, the god of war, which was cool because they gave her the power to create marital harmony and military harmony. So she could make people fall in love and destroy nations in one fell swoop.
The problem was, Aphrodite wasn't actually married to Ares. She was married to Hephaistos, the god of metallurgy, and Hephaistos was totally passive aggressive. He got even with his wife by waiting until Harmonia's wedding day and then giving Harmonia a cursed necklace that would bring doom to her and all her descendants. Yeah. Total drag.
Eventually, Harmonia's husband was turned into a snake, and she was so bummed that the gods had to turn her into a snake too, just because they felt so sorry for her.
But lots of messed up people/snakes still rock at their jobs. Just because Harmonia lived in total chaos/slithered around on her belly doesn't mean she can't bring harmony to your life or to your plans for imperial conquest. In fact, her appreciation of the challenges of living in chaos is what makes her so sympathetic to your need.
Channel this goddess: When chaos looms, when all is in disarray and you need to organize your life or your pantry, when deciding whom to pass your cursed jewelry down to.
Need a goddess: I can help! Post a comment telling me your need and I'll see what I can find.
PS: Apparently, ladybugs are named after Harmonia! They're scientific name is Harmonia Quadripunctata. Who knew?
Oh Margaret! Lovely! Would you ask Chieftess when she's done with her... could she send her over to me? I desperately need some Harmony in my head!
Harmony smarmony...I want imperial conquest!
So if she was turned into a snake whats with the stages of Ladybug's photo?
And I am with Pasadena,imperial conquest is where it is at.
Great combo of abilities Harmonia has--and, she can help with organization, which is much needed around here. Timely goddess for my house. Thanks.
Those ladybugs are so pretty. Just looking at them brings peace. :)
Doesn't seem fair to change Harmonia's spouse (and her) into snakes because he's mad at her mom. Bummer! Hope she bites him and Aphrodite and Ares can live happily ever after ... with their pet snakes.
Hmmmm...I love the idea of Harmony in my home(s)...but not so sure about the snake thing and the cursed necklace...
does this have any relation to my grandaughter's new pet snake???
I love the ladybugs. Will Harmonia clean out my garage? I think I've asked you that before. Apparently I'm going to have to do that myself.
I don't suppose there happened to be a harmonica on that cursed necklace?
Nice beetles!
I think I'd prefer someone a little luckier than this...
Great post, Margaret!
I'm just wondering how the imperial conquest element works while being a snake. "I conquer you! Bow down to me. No...down here...a little to the left...little more. I'm the skinny, scaly but very fearsome conqueror over by the rock, dammit!"
I did not know that about ladybugs. And I really like the name "Harmonia." :o)
Daisy: I will send her on her way.
PA and Rois: Always with the Imperial conquest. Sigh.
Chieftess: I'm worried you don't like your goddess. It's kind of like a lot of psychologists. Sure, they're messed up, but that doesn't mean they can't help you. She's got the curse necklace, not you. So you should be good to go.
Petrea: I haven't forgotten you. I'm finding you a goddess for that.
Gogo: You make me laugh. Too funny.
That's not what I meant at all, Margaret. I think you had a garage-cleaning goddess once before. I just meant I have to get off my but and clean my own garage.
I can wait forever for my goddess because all the other ones come in handy in the meantime.
She's one of the lesser known Greek goddesses! In fact, I'm not sure why that could be. Her name is very often used in the English language and in a very positive way at that!
Harmonia is such a lovely name for a goddess!!! And I love that she was the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite... creating perfect balance...I'm just a bit ticked at the evil Hephaistos for turning such a lovely goddess into a wonder Aphrodite left him for another god!!!
Boy, Harmonia's talents are on the mark, right now, thanks. P.S., it just occurred to me that these two "snakes in love"...could they be the two snakes intertwined on the medical staff, or is this just coincidence? P.P.S., I just found your blog, and already plan to use your recent goddess quiz in my ESL class. Learning and fun all rolled up together, thanks!
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