
Goddess of the Week: Athena

Helmeted Athena holding the snake Erichthonios...
Image via Wikipedia
Susan is on a quest, and she needs a questing goddess. This one was easy.  When life sends you on a journey you need the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena.

Maybe you've heard of the hero Odysseus.  Odysseus was no Hercules.  Odysseus wasn't the strongest hero, and he wasn't the biggest or the most noble or the most  deadly hero.  But he was the cleverest.  He spent twenty years trying to get to his home in Ithaca, but everything went wrong, and he always had to use his wiles to save himself.  When this big ol' Cyclops trapped Odysseus and a bunch of his men in a cave, Odysseus covered his men in fleece so they could pretend to be sheep and sneak out with the monster's herd.  Oh, sure!  You're thinking: well anyone could do that!  But would they think of it under the extreme duress of being trapped in a cave with a one-eyed giant?  If Athena had their back they would.  Athena always stuck by Odysseus because Odysseus could always think on his feet and solve problems on the fly.

Athena reminds us that quests can not be completed in an armchair.  You have to move it, move it.  You have to go where the river takes you, and you have to be flexible enough and open enough to realize that the river goes where it wants, whether you like it or not.  That doesn't mean you should set up a lounge chair and just go along for the ride, but it does mean that you need to be flexible in thinking about both your destination and the tools you have at your disposal.

Channel this goddess: When questing, when traveling, when wondering what to do about that dog you found, when trying to be flexible.

Need a goddess?  I got goddesses!  Post a comment explaining what you want a goddess for.  Then check back in a week or two and see what you got.  It's fun!  It's free!  It's good for you.  Like spinach.  Eat up.

PS: Want to read more?  I just posted a new City Walk here.

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Watson said...

I absolutely Love this line Margaret! "Athena reminds us that quests can not be completed in an armchair." How very true!

Unknown said...

Everyone can use a little more Athena in their life from time-to-time. Thanks for the reminder that I need her now!

Rois said...

It's the things that make you move and squirm that get you moving and make the biggest difference.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

I do approve! None of this "fate" or whimpy "relax it will happen" stuff.

Mover Move Move

Does Athena offer a dating service? that's how my sister (also at that sensitive age - as well as her best friend) met their partners. Ain't no Cyclops - he

(lets see how red faced Susan is now) he he

Petrea Burchard said...

Move move move, maybe walk the dogs in new places? Susan is getting an awful lot of exercise. Well, that's all right. Susan is as clever as Odysseus.

Anonymous said...

"You have to go where the river takes you, and you have to be flexible enough and open enough to realize that the river goes where it wants, whether you like it or not."

You're right, as always. Floating helps, and knowing the backstroke.

Bellis said...

I think Athena's the one for me. I've been planning a trip to Germany and invited too many people along. Hope I can channel her wisdom (and tact. Is she good at tact?)

Margaret said...

Bellis: I think Athena isn't so great at tact. She was ballsy, and she admired that quality in others. But I will find you a goddess of tact!

Susan Campisi said...

Oh, I am quite red-faced now! How rude to be late to my own goddess party. Please pardon my tardiness.

Thank you for another gem, Margaret. The sentence Hiker pointed out spoke to me, too. I love the river metaphor. I'll channel Athena as I float and do the backstroke (and doggie paddle) down the river. And I'll try to let wisdom be the guiding light.