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Former Hope Collection; gift by M. Embeirikos, 1924 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
If you know that Aphrodite is the goddess of love, you are probably scratching your head right now. Goddess of love. New to the office. Probably not a good idea to combine those things. I get it. But goddesses have many aspects and here is why she is just the goddess for the job.
Once, Aphrodite was the new god on the block. The other Olympiads? Zeus, etcetera? If they weren't siblings they were sons and daughters of the siblings. It was a tight knit group up there. Aphrodite was a late addition. She wasn't even Greek. She was from Cypress. She just showed up one day, showed everyone what she could do, and was hired. Those first days weren't easy either. The men totally hit on her. The women were jealous and guarded. But here's what she did. She cultivated a network of supporters outside of Olympus. She gladhanded minor gods, muses, and gorgeous people, who, in turn, worked hard to sell her product. Let's give credit where it is due: She made love/romance the brand name that it is today, which was no small accomplishment. Finally, corporate realized she was a lot more than a pretty face. They recognized her for the indispensable member of team Olympus that she was. In fact, they even gave her a golden girdle (which was sort of like a decorative belt) for her outstanding contributions to the company.
Aphrodite reminds us that to succeed in a job you need to believe in the value of what you do and how you do it. It may not always be easy to be the new kid, but with perseverance, an easy smile and outstanding performance you will get where you want to go.
Channel this goddess: When starting a new job, when meeting future in laws, when in doubt of your true worth. (Believe me, you are worth more than you think.)
Need a goddess: Post a comment explaining what you need or want a goddess for. Check back in a few weeks and see what you got! I'm telling you, making toast is more complicated. So post already.
Wonderful, Margaret!
Can Aphrodite help us senior folks? Or do we need someone else to help us along the way.
Wow, Deb, I think you have a lot going on. Aphrodite's a good one, Margaret. The go-to gal for the good stuff.
Goddess of love and networking? Great story.
Daisy: I think Aphrodite can help everyone. Love is what makes the world go round.
I love the way your mind works.
This is a great post and despite myself I am finding gods interesting.
Good luck to Deb. May Aphrodite carry her to the top of Mt Olympus :-)
Looks like Debs been so busy she hasn't seen the post. Aphrodite must be working her magic. I like the idea of a golden belt. My father got a giant paper mache thumb. Not the same, esthetically speaking.
I love this!!! So perfect!
Hey Margaret! Thanks so much for this. Not only are you a fantastic writer, but you're psychic too. Aphrodite (the work version) is exactly who I needed right now. I'm beginning my eighth week at work today and it has been interesting getting to know people in the office. I still don't feel like I totally "fit in" but I trust that will happen in time. I love this Goddess post...I'm gonna' go back and read it again! :o)
I might have told you this story before, but when I was in 5th grade I learned about Greek mythology and Aphrodite was my absolute favorite. I wanted to learn everything about her.
Love this post, and I can channel Aphrodite in my love life too!
It looks like Aphrodite has already helped Deb. Your goddesses sure work magic.
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