
Goddess of the Week: Pele

Des writes: "My 21 year-old daughter is coming home for the summer, my 18 year old son is graduating from high school, and my husband works predominately out of the home. Help!  I realize I need a goddess. I like aloneness, solitude, quiet, punctuated by occasional social functions.  I think I am poised to go nuts.  Please advise."

Oh, Des! Dear, Des! You need the Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele.  Pele was just like you! She loved her solitude, which was convenient because when you are incarnated as a volcano people know to give you your space. But, from time to time, she liked a little company so she would take a husband or hang out with her sisters. Sadly, in the struggle to find that balance between alone time and family time--she sometimes had to burn her loved ones to a crisp.

You see she was an artist! She created whole tropical islands that people literally call PARADISE, and sometimes her family just totally gave her grief so she had no choice but to lava them. It was a conflict.

What we really need to do is find that difficult balance between having our creative, alone time and yet not feeling the need to set the house on fire.  Hmmm. How to do that? 

Here's my idea: Tell your children that, in your need to find total creative expression, you will now be writing naked. Trust me: They will give you your space.  As for your husband...maybe you should get a lock.


Tony Van Helsing said...

And here's me thinking Pele used to play for Brazil. Sorry, it has to be said.

Desiree said...

This is brilliant. I lava them, a lot.
Thanks for making my day, comedy writer. I'm investing in a lock right now.

Ms M said...

Ha ha! Such wise advice and an excellent choice of goddess.

Bellis said...

Pele's very bad-tempered. She brings misfortune to everyone that takes a bit of lava home from one of her volcanoes. It happened to me, and the bad luck didn't go away until I posted it back to her current lair in Kilauea crater on the Big Island.

So Des, as an alternative, I can recommend the third floor of Caltech's Sherman Fairchild library for solitude, though it's almost too quiet - I got distracted by every tiny footstep.

Anonymous said...

Writing commando -- sounds like a plan. Wait, I want that one. It's mine. TM.

Olga said...

Des needs a room of her very own--no less than five miles away from her house.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

don't we all burn our friends and loved ones to a crisp in the end?

Petrea Burchard said...

#amwritingnaked is a popular Twitter hashtag (on which I have the TM). Not that I really do, except on the hottest days.

TheChieftess said...

Hmmm...much more socially acceptable to write while naked than to partake in the photographic pursuits while naked...but it could make for an interesting and possibly twisted encounter!!!

Shell Sherree said...

I'll take inspiration from this and try #amdrawingnaked, since Petrea already has dibs on the other. Better make sure the webcam is definitely in the OFF position.

Petrea Burchard said...

Go ahead and use #amwritingnaked, Shell. Let's make it trend!

Susan Campisi said...

Now I'm picturing everyone going about their business naked. I suppose I could join with #ambloggingnaked.