The winner will be the blogger best able to capture the spirit of the theme: "The Great Bacon Caper." I am also curious to know if blogs about bacon really do garner attention. So you will get bonus points if you can tell me that traffic to your blog spiked as a result of your bacon post.
The prize? One pound of Bristol Farms very best butcher counter bacon, which I will hand deliver to you.
Spread the word, and be sure to tell me when you post!
You're on, grrfren. I now have bacon on the brain.
I'm in because I want to bring home the Bristol bacon.
I'm over at Pasadena Adjacent now
You're on sister! and I'm headed to the front of the line. My Whale of a Tail" post qualifies for what is considered very big bacon in some cultures.
Petrea, Susan, and PA: Glad you're up for the challenge. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Now, PA, I know what you're talking about, but we need real bacon here. Straight from the pig. I have faith in you.
Good lord, you've hit the most incredible group on the planet. Of course I'm in. (Can I get a head start?)
AH: You post whenever you are ready.
Oh see now, you've ruined my plan. Straight from the pig, you say? I had such a good idea but it's all over for me. I'll have to come up with something else.
And AH has to post within a week just like everyone else.
I'm so totally into this.
I don't believe anyone was talking to you, Miss Petrea. Thank you Margaret.
I thought Margaret talked to me. She typed my name in there a while ago. But now that I look at it carefully, when she said "straight from the pig" she directed that only to PA. So perhaps I can go with my original, vegetarian plan.
Let's see what's going on over here...
Hmmm. It's amazing what can attract a feeding frenzy among human beings. Even less than for sharks.
This dog feasts on a little more than bacon.
Ok. Consider the criteria tightened. To win this challenge one must at least mention the word bacon in the post, or in the title, or even the tags. That being said, there is room for creativity and even scholarship. See my latest post for an example. Does that help?
Yes. It helps. Thankyewverymuch.
OK, I put in my 2 cents!
Hi. I'm new here, but I couldn't resist a challenge. Thanks for letting me play!
I was going to take a photo of my favorite bacon recipe, but I couldn't get the ingredients in time. Instead, here's the recipe for everyone's enjoyment:
Bacon-Wrapped Dates
1) Remove pits from dates.
2) Stuff dates with a little piece of hard cheese.
3) Wrap with bacon and stick a toothpick through it.
4) Cook for awhile at about 400 degrees.
5) Eat. YUM!!!
I can practically smell them as I write this...
Kathy, I don't think that's legal. Susan's recipe was borderline.
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